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Can nutrition coaches give out diet plans?
Upon completion of the BTN Advanced Nutrition Coaching Course – Active IQ Level 4 (Active IQ Level 4 Qualification in...

Why do I store fat in my legs?
As a coach specialising in fat loss, the vast number of my clients have been female. This is not unusual...

Here’s what every nutrition coach needs to know…
OK, so my last blog here was kinda long, and wasn’t really aimed at fitness people. I’m going to try...

How to optimise diet and training around the female cycle
Sorry fellas, this one’s for the ladies but it won’t do you any harm to read…. As females it’s not...

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Are you controlling your diet, or is your diet controlling you?
Today I want to talk about an issue which I find a huge amount of overweight, repeat-failed dieters face, and...

Why trying to be perfect with your diet leads to failure
Extreme leanness and a perfect physique is totally obtainable for many, yet completely unsustainable for most. To an outsider looking...

Why your diet isn’t working and how to get better results
It’s mid-February – surely the January, ‘New Year, New Me’ gym goers have faded out by now. They will have...

How to optimise diet and training around the female cycle
Sorry fellas, this one’s for the ladies but it won’t do you any harm to read…. As females it’s not...

Are you over complicating your diet?
Nutrition and your diet, do you find it confusing? I don’t, but the reason why isn’t because I know everything...

A note to those on a diet – especially if you’re not getting results
It’s January – Happy New Year! With January comes new hopes, and a certain positive approach to looking forwards to...

Adrenal fatigue
One of the things which really should make us proud of Western society is our medicine. I am alive today...

How coaches can get more likes and followers online
This blog is aimed at coaches, personal trainers, nutritionists and ‘industry folk’ who write social media posts, emails and blogs...

Mobility from an athletic point of view
When we talk about Mobility it’s important we know exactly what we’re referring to. A very basic definition is; “the...

The role of carbohydrates in female fat loss
Yes, carbs are still getting a bad name and there are still too many people under the belief that the...

Why eating 3500 calories less a week is bad advice
“Bro, you’ve gotta go low carb to get lean” “If you cut out gluten you’ll shed fat” “Eat fat, burn...

How to use your hands to diet
When it comes to dieting and losing fat there is no doubt that 24-hour energy balance is the key factor...