Our Evidence-Based Nutrition Science BlogOur most popular blogs

Can nutrition coaches give out diet plans?
Upon completion of the BTN Advanced Nutrition Coaching Course – Active IQ Level 4 (Active IQ Level 4 Qualification in...

Why do I store fat in my legs?
As a coach specialising in fat loss, the vast number of my clients have been female. This is not unusual...

Here’s what every nutrition coach needs to know…
OK, so my last blog here was kinda long, and wasn’t really aimed at fitness people. I’m going to try...

How to optimise diet and training around the female cycle
Sorry fellas, this one’s for the ladies but it won’t do you any harm to read…. As females it’s not...

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Metabolic adaptation to weight loss: Where is the science now?
Metabolic adaptation to weight loss – the phenomenon of reduced energy expenditure during and after a period of calorie restriction,...

Exercise & mental health – is the connection as clear as we think?
Mental health is something that has been historically treated as a separate thing from physical health – a situation that...

How many calories do you burn during weight training?
This blog is a poignant one for me because I hate seeing people work their arses off in the gym...

BTN and Active IQ press release
How exciting is this? We have been working behind the scenes for a very long time to achieve something really...

The benefits of training your nutrition vs freestyling
Here I will define ad libitum dieting as eating without tracking your macronutrients. Can you do this and get contest/photoshoot...

Do you think and train like the athletes you coach?
In the world of bodybuilding many will argue that you cannot truly prep someone for a bodybuilding competition without having...

Is flexible dieting, aka IIFYM, healthy for you
In the fitness industry the awareness of an individual’s calorie intake has been a hot talking point for some time,...

Which vitamins and minerals are you most likely to be deficient in?
On nutrition blogs you will see a lot of about the macronutrients: how to set a macronutrient-tracking based diet, the...

Why do intermittent fasting? Here’s why with science
Celebrities are a strange breed and, for some reason, when we read about a celebrity doing a thing, no matter...

From client to coach… my journey
A long-time favourite house music track of mine is Ultra Nate, Free. Within this track are a set of words...

Can nutrition coaches give out diet plans?
Upon completion of the BTN Advanced Nutrition Coaching Course – Active IQ Level 4 (Active IQ Level 4 Qualification in...

Why do I store fat in my legs?
As a coach specialising in fat loss, the vast number of my clients have been female. This is not unusual...