
Our Evidence-Based Nutrition Science Blog
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How Influencers Ruined Sandwiches..

How Influencers Ruined Sandwiches..

Let’s face it, the sandwich is a British tradition. You only have to look at the reaction to the calls...

“My clients won’t stick to their nutrition plan” the coaches dilemma

“My clients won’t stick to their nutrition plan” the coaches dilemma

Do you often think to yourself, “why can’t my clients be more like me, interested in training and nutrition, wanting...

How many calories do you burn during weight training?

How many calories do you burn during weight training?

This blog is a poignant one for me because I hate seeing people work their arses off in the gym...

The benefits of training your nutrition vs freestyling

The benefits of training your nutrition vs freestyling

Here I will define ad libitum dieting as eating without tracking your macronutrients. Can you do this and get contest/photoshoot...