BTN Academy student feedback

BTN Academy student feedback

If you’re considering the BTN Academy, you need to read this blog.


Because what our past and current students think of the course and the learning experience could be the deciding factor for you on whether you take the plunge to enrol on our course or not.

We take pride in our course, and so do our students, they are our BEST ambassadors. So we want to share with you what they really think, so you can get an insight into whether the BTN Academy is right for you or not…

Really enjoying it. I like that it’s structured so that there is a topic each week – it focuses the mind and provides discipline for learners (like me) who need structure rather than free reign to learn as I see fit. The forum is BRILLIANT – Tom is so super speedy at coming back to us all and it also feels like I am ‘part of something’ as it is clear we (the other learners) are all on this journey together rather than it being just me and my computer going through the motions – Lucy Burrows

Creating the BTN Academy wasn’t just an overnight job, we have been developing this for 4 years with new science, new methodologies, new coaches, new psychology and everything in between. But we will never cease to stop developing, and as a graduate, you will always have access to the content we create, however much it changes… for life.

How many other courses keep letting you do the course again as the information is updated and changes?

Loving the course so far. Having the option to print the slides is helpful for reviewing later. Also finding the information useful for real life scenarios and not overwhelming with any bogus science or a lot of opinions rather than facts – Tiffany Wright

The academy is a journey, both practically and mentally. We aim to empower you to help others and we do this by making all our content both scientific, and practically applicable.

There is no use in anything that can’t be applied in the real world.

I’m loving the course so far. I’ve done nutrition courses before, that tend to just throw theory at you. But what I love so far, is that you guys talk theory, and then how to coach and apply it. I’m a mobile PT, so mostly work with weight loss clients, so mindset and nutrition coaching is a big part of what I do. The coaching element of the course means that everything I learn week by week can be put straight into action with clients.

Like I said, loving it so far, and looking forward to continuing through to the Advanced Nutrition Coaching Course – Active IQ Level 4 as well. Keep up the good work! – Matt

We as a company focus on building a community of likeminded professionals and passionate nutrition coaches, this allows us to network, share, consult and advise each other so that we always have somewhere to go.

Love the fact we can ask questions about our experiences on the forum, it’s great to be able to talk to other people with the same interests and find out other people’s opinions and for the coaches to provide feedback – Lynn Tutt

But one of my favourite feedback quotes is…

My thoughts so far on the academy?

Just plain old awesome.

I have been waiting since I missed the last sign up and had a mixture of excitement and trepidation when the course started, but it’s been everything I’d hoped it would be, starting with the basics put across in such an easy to grasp way.

Literally loving it! Monday evenings are my new favourite part of my week. You and the team have just further cemented my idea of following nutrition as a career change when graduation comes! Paul C

Even if you can’t make the live calls, all the content is there ready for you when you are (after the live call has taken place), this means that anyone from anywhere in the world can enrol, we have students all over the world currently enrolled with us.

Really enjoying the course so far!

I feel like each week once I have read the content I’m counting down the days until the next week’s content is released. The additional reading each week is great and really beneficial!

I like how the course is laid out with printable notes and the information before and after the video each week. Personally, I have already recommended this course to my friends for August as I cannot stop speaking about it with good things to say!

As someone who follows you on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc. I feel this course is even more than what I expected with the wealth and volume of knowledge I cannot speak highly enough of it.

I also love how interactive the forums are it is really beneficial as if there is something I may be in doubt about myself it may already be posted in the forum and answered and has highly benefited me.

Hope this provides enough feedback necessary and I am looking forward to completing the next few weeks of the course and I am also considering going onto the Advanced Nutrition Coaching Course – Active IQ Level 4 as I am so impressed with how the Foundation course is going – David Coughlan

Knowledge is great, but if you can’t discuss it, digest it, apply it, see where it is usable in the real world, then whats the point of the knowledge?

The course is WAY more interactive than I thought it would be. This is the first distance learning thing I’ve done and I was a bit worried about how engaging it would be but the videos are delivered in a way that sounds ‘normal’ if you know what I mean. Not scripted. You’re talking just how you would talk if you were stood there in front of me which is important because if you sound like you’re reading from a manual that would sound boring. So that’s ace!

Forums- again are really good for the interactive side of things. Its nice to engage with other students and feel ‘part of something’. As opposed to just feeling like I’m doing it on my own in my living room!

I am really enjoying the course and can’t wait to start the practical in a few months! – Hollie Spark

You may have followed my work for years and learnt a lot, but this is a whole new level, the BTN Academy is a structured course covering everything you need to know when it comes to nutrition coaching, it really is the industries stand out online nutrition course.

I had been following Ben’s work for over a year before I decided to take the plunge into the BTN Academy and honestly I’m really pleased I stopped procrastinating. I have only done 3 weeks so far as I have to try and fit in around 2 kids and 2 jobs so ultimately boils down to carving a few hours out on the weekend, which I can do!

I’m not a PT but I am involved in the health and fitness through hobbies and helping my friend to run her online business. This course is really going to help with my confidence. Already I have gained knowledge and applied it to a few situations at home. I read a lot but have no actual qualifications and am very interested nutrition so anything that can expand my knowledge is definitely going to help with that and it’s already working evidently!

In terms of ease of use, the course is easy to access and very straight forward. Everything that you need is there and I’ve found the extending reading really useful too.

My first impressions are that I made the right choice, the course really helps to show you how to apply the knowledge you’ve gained in “real life” situations. I’m looking forward to completing it in the coming week! – Leanne Griffin

Really enjoying the course. Content so far is spot on. Initially I thought it wouldn’t be as detailed as it was, with it being foundation, but it’s fantastic nonetheless.

Looking forward to making a start on the practice academy after! – Chris Harrison

I am enjoying the course so far, (a lot to learn and take on board) I have nothing to compare your course with as I have never done an online or nutrition course before. It’s refreshing to be educated on fundamentals of a healthy balanced diet and the what, why and how.

Loving the company’s goal for clients is Number one and firstly Health – Paula Lewington

I feel the foundation academy is perfectly set up to jump in and out of the material as and when it’s convenient, i.e. fitting in the study around a current, already very busy lifestyle can be tough, but the way the material is presented makes it manageable. All I can stay I’m filled with confidence for the future the nutritional field – Kieran Turner

I’m really enjoy the audio videos – you have a great clear communication style when you are going through the video slides which is awesome. Love the lesson notes – great information without information overload for the foundation students. Love the fact you supply additional reading with each topic – it is so great that you do not hold back information and supply endless amounts for us. The structure and reading required is manageable on a week-to-week basis. Charlotte is absolutely great and always so helpful and prompt with getting back to me/us (as I imagine she is with the rest of the group also) – Gemma Donaldson

So, will you be joining us on the next BTN Academy intake?

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